General Rules
- Students should be neat and tidy in their school uniform and for all functions.
- Each student should carry the Almanac to School everyday with his photograph and complete details.
- The school building and property must be respected. Any damages done to the school property will be realized from the student responsible.
- No student above Class VI can come casually dressed on birthdays or any other occasion.
- Celebration of birthdays in the school canteen is not allowed.
- Scribbling on walls and boards is a punishable offence.
- The observance of the rules of discipline of the school and good behavior is an essential pre-requisite for a student’s continuance in school. In case a Student violates the school rules, indulges in any form of indiscipline, strict actions like expulsion, suspension/ rustication shall be taken against the student.
- Bullying and use of foul language are punishable offences.
- No student shall indulge in the following practices :
- Spitting in or near the school building, whistling or shouting
- Damaging school property
- Rowdyism
- Use of violence in any form
- Casteism, communalism or practice of un-touch ability
- Smoking
- Use of drugs, intoxicants.
- The School reserves the right to suspend or take disciplinary action against a student whose progress is unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students.
- No valuables like expensive watches, mobiles, i-pods, i-pads, surplus money may be brought to school.
- Mobiles once confiscated, no claim will be entertained. The school phone is available for all students in cases of emergency.
- Half days will not be allowed to any child unless there is a medical or valid reason and the parents come to school and accompany and child back home.
- Students who have been sick should bring a Medical Certificate from the Doctor on the day of re-joining School.
- Parents should fill up the ‘Record for Non-attendance’ for each day the student has been absent from School stating the reasons for his absence.
- Students are not granted leave outside the regular vacation periods(except in case of illness).Students who do not join school on the days of reopening after vacations are liable to have their names struck off the school rolls unless otherwise informed earlier.
- A student returning to school after a contagious/infectious disease should produce a Doctor’s certificate permitting him fit to attend school. Students suffering from the following diseases must observe the prescribed period of Quarantine before returning to School.a) Chicken pox till scabs fall off.
b) Cholera till the child is completely well.
c) Measles-2 weeks after the rashes disappear.
d) Mumps-until the swelling is gone; about 1 month.
e) Whooping Cough-6 weeks.
f) Jaundice-6 weeks
g) Swine Flu-till the time the Doctor specifies fit. - Repeated absence without leave or un-explained absence for more than 3 weeks renders the child’s name struck off from the Rolls.
- It is compulsory for students from Classes 1-VIII to maintain 80% attendance during the entire academic session so that they are eligible to appear for their Final Assessments. For Classes X1-X11, students must have an average of 80% attendance before the examination. This percent can however be relaxed on medical grounds and the Principal’s decision is final.
A certificate of merit will be given to students with 100% attendance.